About the event
Demonstrating a participatory approach that identifies a range of stakeholders is now a necessary element for World Heritage site nominations and a Rights-Based Approach (RBA) is encouraged for the management of all existing sites.
This conference is aimed at exploring the features of a RBA and its application within the UK context. This goes beyond nomination and into the day-to-day management of our World Heritage sites. It will explore the need to reveal the shared histories and heritage of our unique culturally diverse nation. It should also reinforce the longer term sustainability of WorldHeritage sites and the communities who inhabit and support them.
An RBA approach asserts the importance of considering a diversity of opinions. A plurality of voices can contribute to a better understanding of World Heritage sites and heritage in general, making them more accessible and relevant to today’s society. Such an approach can also make a positive contribution to the narrative around the legacies of Decolonisation and heritage diversity.
All World Heritage sites, and heritage sites more generally, face innumerable challenges. These can only be overcome by empowering communities and other stakeholders to actively engage with processes of interpretation, stewarding and safeguarding of these sites.
A Rights-Based Approach Tool is being developed by ICOMOS which will set out best practice for heritage management. It will provide guidance for practitioners for ensuring that communities and stakeholders are given access to influence all aspects and stages of heritage management.
This conference will help UK heritage professionals and communities understand the key concepts of an RBA, and how they might be utilised and embedded in day-to-day operations.
Tickets for the in-person event can be purchased here
Tickets for the online event can be purchased here